Saturday, April 29, 2006

The First Post

Yep, a blogging site by yours truly. I know what you are thinking; who cares? Actually I don't know what you are thinking; I am guessing. What I am saying is: I am guessing you are thinking who cares about another blogger on the intarweb. My answer to your state of mind is simple


I don't know. By the way, that ellipsis is not indicating missing text, but rather a moment of speechlessness. This blog site will be a trampoline for my main site. Grim Eden

Now to add something of interest to my site. I don't want to add direct social commentary, editorials, or straight opinion because I am quite positive there is enough of that floating around cyber space. My goal is to add a weekly video log. Not daily mind you, but weekly because it requires less effort and I don't know what I am doing.

For more on this and other moderately interesting events check back in the days to come.


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